Friday, June 4, 2010

What is Spirituality?

There is a lot of hype and misconception going on about Spirituality to the point that some people are offended by it. There is a general rule of 20-80 stating 20% of people are not genuine or fake in every field of life. Likewise, spirituality is not an exception and hence it should not be assumed that it is not genuine just because some folks are misusing it for wrong purposes or for personal gains. In most of the cases, people are simply misunderstanding it because of the lack of proper knowledge or worst yet because of the information overload - it's like getting lost into the ocean trying to figure out where is the shore.

Spirituality is not a religion yet all religions are spiritual in nature. Spirituality is not a bunch of philosophical ideas; dogmatic ideologies or a set of strict rules. 

Spirituality in its simplest and truest sense, is a way of life. Spirituality and Life are one and the same. Spirituality is a combination of every bit of thing; that is, it is religious, it is philosophical, it is relational, it is experiential and it is very practical that can be applied to every day life.

Spirituality can be liken to a 'Manual of Life' - giving the knowledge; guidelines and tools to live the life effectively. It is the 'TRUTH' - which is quite opposite of what is 'right or wrong'. For example, we can't have any opinions whether the air we breathe is right or wrong, it is the 'Truth', because we experience it.

Spirituality is the acutal experience of the 'Truth' Vs. Religion - which is the knowledge and devotional in nature (that is creating a relationship with the 'Divine'). Spirituality on the other hand incorporates practices such as meditation, yoga and certain rituals to allow one to experience the 'Truth'. 

Most importantly, Spirituality is the experience of 'Self' - we experience ourselves in our truest form which is contradictory to our universal understanding that we are mere 'human beings'. In actuality, we are spiritual beings having the human experience.

So what is 'Truth'? - It is God - the Source where everything is created and in existence.


Well this is the simple explanation of Spirituality and I hope those who are new to spirituality get some clear idea about it. Spirituality can go deep to the complex levels and the more I get to know about it, it boggles my mind. Yet, there is no need to go to the deeper levels of knowledge - only a simple approach and daily practice is required to grasp its greatness! 

I am creating a website "Spirituality for Layman" and newsletter "Wisdom Nuggets better than chicken nuggets" explaining spirituality in simple language avoiding spiritual jargon as much as possible. It is targeted for those who doesn't know or have little knowledge and want to have a better understanding of Spirituality. Also for those who are curious minded and beginners and everyone else who's interested in knowing life. My intention is to help and guide people in having the genuine knowledge of spirituality and practical tools to not only transform  one's personal life but also life on a global scale. My belief is that true spirituality will bring love and peace on this earth and it is the solution to all our earthly problems.

Please leave your comment or write me at if you want to get notified about my upcoming websites. :))

Love and Light,
नमस्ते,  वैभवी